Hola a todos. Acabo de inaugurar una nueva página en este blog llamada fichas de modelismo. En esta página iré subiendo, poco a poco, archivos pdf, cada uno con un paso del proceso de pintura de un vehículo militar. En cada archivo me centraré en un paso o técnica que yo aplico con éxito a mis maquetas, intentando describir qué es lo que hago, cómo y por qué, con el mayor nivel de detalle de que sea capaz.
Espero que estas fichas en pdf, fáciles de imprimir y de consultar en un dispositivo tablet, puedan ser de alguna utilidad.
Por supuesto, las fichas se han publicado bajo la licencia creative common que permite descargarlos, usarlos y distribuirlos libremente siempre y cuando no se haga uso comercial de los mismos y se respete la autoría.
Espero que te gusten y como siempre, cualquier comentario, crítica, sugerencia de temas, etc. será bien recibido.
Hello everyone. I just opened a new page on this blog called modeling tips. On this page I will upload gradually, pdf files, each one with one step of the painting process of a military vehicle (in spanish only sorry). In each file I will focus on a step or technique I successfully have applied my models, trying to describe what I do, how and why, with the highest level of detail that is capable.
I hope these tips in pdf, easy to print and easy to see on a tablet device, may be of some use.
Of course, the pdf files are released under creative common license that allows download, use and distribute freely provided that no commercial use is made of them and authorship be respected.
Hope you like it and as always, any comments, criticism, suggestions of topics, etc. will be well received.
Espero que te gusten y como siempre, cualquier comentario, crítica, sugerencia de temas, etc. será bien recibido.
Hello everyone. I just opened a new page on this blog called modeling tips. On this page I will upload gradually, pdf files, each one with one step of the painting process of a military vehicle (in spanish only sorry). In each file I will focus on a step or technique I successfully have applied my models, trying to describe what I do, how and why, with the highest level of detail that is capable.
I hope these tips in pdf, easy to print and easy to see on a tablet device, may be of some use.
Of course, the pdf files are released under creative common license that allows download, use and distribute freely provided that no commercial use is made of them and authorship be respected.
Hope you like it and as always, any comments, criticism, suggestions of topics, etc. will be well received.